Friday, February 18, 2011

An Open Letter to Christian Men (and Women)

This letter - below - went out as part of the Presbyterian Men's ministry newsletter this month. It's an invitation to listen to me speak at their national conference. But it's also a good word to everyone. Men, women, Presbyterian or otherwise.

If you're in the area (Virginia Beach, April 9), come, listen, and introduce yourself.
Many blessings - DEREK

Greetings, most excellent Presbyterian Men! This is Derek Maul. I’m excited about church, I’m passionate about seeing my brothers grow as followers of Jesus, I believe in the future of the Presbyterian Church and I can’t wait to share some life-charged vision with you at the Men’s Conference in Virginia Beach.

I believe that the Presbyterian Church is at a critical tipping point in its history, but I’m convinced God’s message to us is the same one shared with Jeremiah: “I have plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29).

If we want our church – both your local congregation and the denomination as a whole – to step confidently into a future that’s bursting with hope and promise, then I believe men’s ministry has one of the most important roles to play.

The most telling demographic in your congregation is AMALAD (Active Men, Aged 20-70, Living As Disciples). I’m not so much interested in packing a stadium with thousands of men as I am in seeing handfuls of men transformed by their genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.

I’ll be speaking twice. First, in an afternoon workshop ("Discipleship in 4-D: moving beyond a part-time faith"), we’ll discuss what it means to follow Jesus as a 21st Century man. Then, Saturday evening, the keynote message is, "MAN-ifesto: 10 life-charged words for Presbyterian men."

Implementing this message will transform your church. The question, as Jesus parsed it to the man slowly dying by the pool, is this: “Do you really want to be healed?”

See you in April – DEREK MAUL 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Part-Time Christian or Disciple?

Welcome! I'm glad you stopped by this page! If you're reading these words, then it probably means you're also reading "The Unmaking of a Part-Time Christian." Thanks for checking in.

You'll find occasional postings on this blog site (the archives are certainly worth a look), as well as some ongoing conversation in response to questions posed by readers. Feel free to leave your comments and questions below this post, or email me at

For daily posts (4-6 weekly entries), check out my ongoing - eponymous - blog at Derek Maul. Or the more specifically focused The Preacher's Husband, updated around twice each week.

Regardless of how we stay in touch, take this opportunity to commit to a more deliberate path of following Jesus.

Grace and Peace - DEREK

Jesus – “I am the gate. Everyone who enters through me will find that they can truly live. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.” (John 10)